Mental health awareness is essential to the well-being of any employee. With May being Mental Health Awareness Month, we wanted to bring to light what we've always promoted here at EDK. What seems on-trend has always been part of our company culture. We all volunteer...
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Write It, Then Show It With Good Professional Photography
“When you add the right picture to good writing, it is always a winner.” -- Endrea Kosven, EDK founder and CEO We preface the following statement by saying that we are talking about the kind of good professional photography that is swimming with great composition. A...
Endrea Kosven, The Vegan
Becoming vegan was a decision that EDK founder and CEO Endrea Kosven made three years ago, and she hasn’t looked back since.
EDK Featured Branding Agency on Shutterstock Blog
If you want your marketing content to shine, having the right photos or visual elements are a critical part of the formula. A brand needs to resonate with an audience through authenticity. Here at EDK, we take great care in selecting photos or images when putting...